Types of Wall Putty -Which Type of Putty is Best for Your Walls?

WONDER WALLCARE UNCATEGORIZED May 07 2024 visibility 2638

Whether you are designing your new home or revamping the existing one, painting is one aspect that helps in elevating the existing décor effortlessly. Prior to painting, application of wall putty is an essential step. Before you go ahead with choosing the best wall putty for your walls, it is important to understand different types of wall putty that could grace the walls of your abode.

Wall Putty helps in leveling up any imperfection present on the wall surface right before the application of the desired interior or exterior paint. Wall putty is essential towards filling up minor cracks and any other types of damages. There are several more benefits of applying wall putty right before applying the desired layer of paint on the walls. The ultimate benefits will depend on the type of putty you choose for your walls.


What is Wall Putty?

Wall putty is available as a white cement-based or acrylic-based material utilized primarily to even out the wall surface while creating a leveled surface for final coat of paint. During the lengthy process of interior or exterior wall painting, applying wall putty is regarded as a primary step. There is a requirement of around two coats of wall putty to ensure seamless finishing.

During the process, the desired wall putty is applied on areas wherein touch-up is needed for uneven or cracked surfaces like patches. In some cases, there is no requirement of putting the wall putty across the entire wall.

Wall putty is a substance featuring amazing elasticity with its texture similar to that of clay. Therefore, it helps in the creation of a protective and smooth base for the application of paint easily. Wall putty delivers a wide range of benefits for both interior and exterior walls of your house -whether the wall is new or old.


Understanding Different Types of Wall Putty

The previously-used Plaster of Paris (PoP) has been now replaced by top-grade wall putty like the Wonder Wall Putty. You can get access to either cement-based wall putty or acrylic-based wall putty. Let us help you understand each one in depth:

  • White Cement-based Wall Putty: It is one of the most commonly used and popular variants of wall putty across residential and commercial buildings. It features a mixture of cement, minerals, and polymers. White cement-based putty is regarded as the ideal solution to be used both indoors and outdoors. At the same time, it also helps in imparting a glossy and whiter finish throughout.

The white coat provided by premium wall putty further helps in accelerating the painting process and also gives true tone of paint applied over it. Cement-based wall putty usually signifies improved strength and durability. It is because the cement component of the putty imparts the coating a tensile and added adhesive strength along with ample bending and compression strength at the same time.

White cement-based wall putty has innate features including abrasion resistance and adhesion strength to enhance the quality of the outcomes. Moreover, wall surfaces with cement-based wall putty usually prohibit the growth of fungus and algae on the surface. This putty also imparts a glossy and smooth finish to the wall surface requiring minimal maintenance. In most cases like Wonder Wall Putty, there is the presence of non-toxic materials that are well-suited for all applications of paints.

  • Acrylic-based Wall Putty: It is available as water-based wall putty. The putty is prepared out of the combination of acrylic emulsion, white pigments, and other additives. This variant of wall putty is best-suited for interior walls -not the exterior ones. Acrylic putty also helps in imparting a smooth and matte finish to the wall surface.

When compared with cement-based putty, acrylic-based wall putty does not feature impressive binding properties. At the same time, this putty variant is less resistant to water. Therefore, it will require re-finishing almost every year.

Acrylic Wall PuttyCement Wall Putty
Application -Can be applied only to interiorsApplication -can be applied on both interiors and exteriors due to the extra whiteness of the product
Water resistance -Absence of ample water resistance. This wall putty will wear off easily while requiring re-finishing every year.Water Resistance -Impressive resistant to moisture and dampness for several years.
Strength -Lower binding propertyStrength -Impressive adhesion strength, tensile strength, flexural strength, and compression strength
Durability -Better than POP but less durable than cement-based puttyDurability -Highly durable due to impressive binding properties.
Appearance -Off white or PaleAppearance -Extra white appearance



If you in search of the best quality of wall putty for your home design, you can choose premium-grade white cement based wall putty I.e  Wonder Wall Putty for great results.